Monday, 26 November 2018

Aroha 1 & 2's swimming lesson

Making Seafood Chowder
For procedure writing this week we made seafood chowder 
We wrote and made videos about it on Ipad using ShowMe app 
We also did cutting and pasting activity with the recipe 

Procedure of Making Seafood Chowder 
P.S. Can't share Whaea Tania's the family recipe :P


Sunday, 18 November 2018

Aroha 1 is learning about Solar System
Painting Planets to display around the classroom...
Salote and Keziah painting Neptune 

Leviticus painting Mars

Patiola and Kofe painting Uranus

 Aroha 1 listening to the tips and skills Salote used to move up to Level 16 in her reading.  One of the skills she uses in her Reading is letters and sounds.

Monday, 12 November 2018


Aroha 1 Practicing Drop, Cover and Hold after reading the big book: Is that an earthquake? 
Aroha 1 also identified safe places within the school.

Drop, cover and hold during an earthquake

Paper mashing, gluing, and pasting to make planets for inquiry. 

Still in process...

After Art Performance Aroha 1 posing for pic

Congratulations Nahrie and Lesego for getting Caught Being Good and PRIDE certificate

P.S. Thank you Whanau for another awesome attendance and winning of punctuality award 

Monday, 5 November 2018

 Trip to Stardome Planetarium
We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship
Zooming through the sky, Little Einsteins

There were nine Little Astronauts. Going to the moon.

Gravity ball

 Inside the theatre 

 Sleepy us! 
By the end of the trip we were really tired from all the adventure therefore we had a little nap while on the bus our way back to school.

We are following a pattern (Maths) using beads while making our necklaces for our Art performance on Wednesday. 

Start point
  It continues... 
Almost to the end --> :D

 Don't underestimate what this little robots can do... Great way of teaching patterns to this little tamarki  #Aroha1