Sunday, 4 March 2018

Week 5 Success stories in Room1

In Room 1 we are very proud of ourselves. We are now able to say our numbers backwards from 10... WOOOHOOO

We were able to achieve our goals of 200 Dojo points... 
Therefore on Friday, we chose to spend our last block doing painting. We painted Ice-block sticks which will be used in Maths time to learn patterns. 
We get Dojo points for bringing our book bag, participating,  teamwork, staying on task, showing respect and we get whole class points if we all come to school.

 Our writing lessons are intense and we get super busy. We do a whole class brainstorm on an active tablet in order to enrich our vocabulary. We help Miss Nisha model 'an introduction' and then we start writing what we are capable of. 

Congratulations to Kaecyus and Maybel for getting Star Student Award in team Aroha assembly.

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing achievements for those who can count backgrounds and also to everyone that are trying their best. Keep up the good work everyone.
