Sunday, 29 July 2018

Term 3, Week 1

Congratulations Levi, Salote, Pratik and Silaga for showing commitment and finishing of Holiday Homework. 

Shekinah and Keziah for showing Empathy one of our PRIDE values inside and outside the classroom. 
PRIDE VALUE --> Empathy: Be understanding of other people's feelings

THANK YOU Room 17 for teaching Aroha 1 how to get into google drive, opening their own folder and selecting spelling doc. Inside the spelling document, students need to write the spelling word for the week in different fonts until they feel like they know the spelling word by hard.
Salote and Keziah taking turns while the Tuakana guides.
 Levi and DJ taking turns while the Tuakana guides

Tears of joy were shared as Kaecyus independently went on google drive and worked on his spelling word. He was able to change the font and write the word after being showed just once.


After having turns getting on google drive independently. Tamariki had a good time reading with a buddy and listening to stories from their tuakana.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Kia Ora Koutou,

This holiday Aroha 1 is trying something different. We have homework assigned to us on Google Drive.

Here is how we get to our Google Drive

→ Login to Gmail
Password: (Student received it on the last day of school)

→ Go to google apps

→ Drive
In Drive you will see your child's folder with their homework. It is important that your child ONLY go into their own folder as this Drive is used by all students in Aroha 1.

There will be a reward and extra dojo points depending on how many tasks you complete.

Nga Mihi

Miss Nisha

Monday, 9 July 2018

Book Character Day

"Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education."
Martin Luther King

Aroha 1 in action with their favourite characters costume.  

Salote and Jackson walking the runway with confidence on behalf of Aroha 1

Beautiful Snow Whites ready for the long day <3

Congratulations Kinah for receiving the Duffy Award. Proud mother and daughter moment. Keep up the good work Kinah. 

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Team Whakapono's Science Expo
Today Aroha 1 was super lucky because we were invited to Team Whakapono's Science Expo. We walked quietly into the hall and saw all the science projects. We looked at projects on volcanoes, slime, ice-cream, balloons, lava lamps  and play dough.  It was absolutely amazing and lots of fun. 

Float and Sink 
For inquiry we did float and sink experiment. We took our paper and materials outside to see if our predictions are right or wrong. We ticked if the equipment float and crossed if it didn't. We also wondered why the equipment didn't float or didn't sink.

Salote, Keziah, Patiola and Nahrie used coins, pencil, clip, paper and apple for the experiment. This group was amazed by  the result and wondered why some things didn't happen as they predicted.
Levi, Pratik, Jackson and Ben used apple, toy cars and clip to see weather it floats or sinks. 

Elijah, Maybel and AJ using ruler and paper for Float and Sink experiment.

 Leviticus was curious to see if the toy boat will sink or will it float like the real boat. 

 Silaga, Samara-Lee, Iria and Ben used lego and Jovies for floating. They discovered Jovies sink and lego float in the water. 

Delicious Ice-cream 
On Wednesday 27th June our school was very lucky to receive free Magnum ice-creams from Finlayson Park School. Every children in our school was given one and we were so happy to eat it.