Sunday, 19 August 2018

Aroha 1 Leading the Assembly 


Aroha 1's performance 
For Te Reo Maori Aroha 1 have been learning this beautiful waiata (song) and kanikani (dance). 

Congratulations Kofe and Mary-Jane for the awards

 Congratulations all Tamariki who showed Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) and was awarded with certificate. Keep up the good work Aroha team.

After Assembly tamariki showing off with their beautiful headbands, poi and pukana 

Wrtiting Time
Patiola and Salote creating a masterpiece story through their imagination 

Aroha 1 engaged in Matific 
Congratulation Keziah for leading the Matific Maths Game board by ranking at 54 (Top 100) and congratulation Salote for ranking at top 200. 
Please encourage your child to do more Matific at home.. All students have their own login please help your child login... Thankyou

1 comment:

  1. Great blog #Aroha1 ... Thanks for sharing about your #Assembly #AwardWinners #Writing #MatificMathsGames #Performance
